Basic Career Training focuses on helping our youth who are ready for the workforce to complete a personal employment resume. We help them develop soft skills such as making eye contact when talking; tone of voice when communicating; a firm hand shake; appropriate work conversation and behavior; and knowing the ethics and value expected of them and the consequences of their actions. The ultimate objective is for our youth to develop basic job skills that will lead to gainful employment.
Youth Career Development Process
- Defining Your Work Values - An awareness of work values will make job hunting and career development easier. This can provide the interviewee with possible questions to ask the prospective employer and can define the direction of one's job investigation.
- Successful Career Planning - Identifying your personal values is an important part of a successful career plan. "Value" refers to how you feel about the work itself and the contribution it makes to society.
- The Job Search - Most important have always been contacts. Over 70% of jobs are found through business and personal contacts. This percentage may rise if you are limiting your job search to one geographical area. Having and utilizing such contacts are simply the best avenue for a job hunter.
- Networking Resources - Begin your networking by calling those people on your list who you can talk to most easily. Practice your calls with the easy ones and work up to making calls that are more stressful. You may have to force yourself to make the first few calls.
- The Resume - A brief chronological account of one's professional or work experience and qualifications.
- The Interview - Communication between two or more persons used for the purpose of evaluating education, experience, and personal qualifications of the candidates.
- Financial Planning - Training youth to understand the value of establishing relationships with financial institutions. They need to know the importance of having bank accounts, what is meant by fico and beacon scores, and budgeting.
- Transportation - The importance of promptness is emphasized. We assist in making sure that a means of transportation is provided for those starting new employment. A lack of transportation will not handicap the new employee.